chad's legal system:
a corrupted government

contradicting laws

Chad does hold the safety of women in their best interest. However, good intentions contradict actions to sacrifice safety for political expediency or corruption.
Laws and legal codes signify little:
One law “...prohibits sexual relations with girls under age 14, even married” (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor). Another law “...sets the minimum age for marriage at 18” (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor). These two laws completely contradict one other. The first law says that even if a 14-year-old is married, her husband cannot force her into sexual relations. However, the next law says that girls under 18 are too young to marry.
"The law prohibited rape, prostitution, and spousal abuse, but not sexual harassment; however, all were problems”. (Bureau of Democracy Human Rightsand Labor).
failure to protect women
Flawed laws inflate the crisis and the convenient overlooking of these violent acts. The government of Chad generally fails in protecting women and girls of all ages and situations, especially from the most dangerous aspects of domestic violence. Since these laws are not enforced, there is no significant punishment for the men committing them. The government enforces its own myopic view to deny women’s rights and protections under the law, so the issue of violence grows progressively worse, and it likely will not improve.