poverty and unemployment

the intersection of poverty and violence:
A vicious cycle
The lack of a vibrant workforce devastates the whole economy of Chad. The intersection between poverty and violence is evident through many studies. The lack of economic stability aggravates tensions already within families and the vicious cycle of violence and abuse.
Africa, as a primarily underdeveloped and poor continent, among the worst at effective diplomatic communication with the other countries, offers no solution. The lack of international awareness and concern hushes global condemnation (Beegle). Poverty and domestic violence thrive; they nourish one another, essentially making both issues even more barbaric and destructive.
"80% percent of the population survives on less than one dollar a day”
poverty keeps women from leaving their abuser
Poverty becomes yet another barrier keeping women from exiting the situation safely. In an abused woman's mind, leaving her husband and supporting herself is unimaginable.
"21 percent of housewives could not work outside the home because their husbands forbade them from doing so”
-Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Because poverty restricts women’s opportunities and prevents them from contributing to the welfare of their families, they have virtually no sense of individuality, motivation, nor an initiative to succeed on their own.
Most of these women are uneducated and often never had any sense of independence because they were married at such a young age. In other words, these women are convinced that they could not support themselves, simply because they have never been given the chance.
Uneducated, broken, brainwashed, isolated, and without any self-esteem, nearly half of Chad's population (females) are unable to contribute to their family's income. This is why violence causes an unending cycle of poverty.
effects on children:
the cycle continues
Chad’s unusually high level of unemployment not only makes it one of the poorest countries on earth, where the vast majority live in poverty. Other victims are children living in the household.
"These kids sense their parent’s desperation and see their idleness. They feel the violent atmosphere in their home, and this atmosphere allows them to believe it is acceptable behavior"
Domestic violence also has a negative effect on children with regard to behavioral issues. These can be both emotional and social problems, and disable the social and cognitive development of a child (Carter 35).