There are numerous solutions to the problem of educating women in Chad. MINURCAT and other UN agencies give insight into what could be possible solutions (Solhjell). This aid leads citizens interested in making an impact to feel powerfully enabled and make a difference. MINURCAT created by United Nations, protects human rights, trains women, increases skills and employment experience (U.N. Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad).
Only so much can be done, however, to improve domestic violence without the support and willingness of Chadian people to embrace change. For example, if the government of Chad creates laws, they must be just. There must be respect for them, as difficult as it may be under the circumstances to enforce them.
"The efficiency of its therapeutic effect depends objectively on the police stabilization and humanitarian assistance provided, but it also depends subjectively on how this is perceived by the parties involved."-minurcat mission statement
educating women:
the ultimate solution
The importance of educating women is not only a solution to the disadvantages women in Chad face, but giving these women access to education allows them to understand their rights, potentials, and promises. For example, stricter marriage laws with help from the social services, and safer refugee camps for victims might actually become effective and achieve their missions in helping these ill-treated, battered, and injured women (Hetling 89).
Educating women would help them realize that they are worth something more than they are convinced they are, and that they have to choose to accept help from outside resources, and allow the world to help take action on their behalf.

There is a simple separation evident between women who choose to take action, from those who do not. For example, groups of women in Senegal wear white on a day of mourning for domestic violence, South Africa has decently built shelters, and groups in many African countries are trying to criminalize marital rape (Douglas 8). Although these examples are not specific to Chad, they are positive signs of the action taken on behalf of women.
women taking a stand